Nancy G. Brundrett's Heartmusic Journal

Whatever strikes my fancy now and then....
Thursday, August 24, 2006
In Memory of Nick Pantazakos

This was given to me by his wife, Therese.
It is his personal wedding vows he wrote many years ago.

Nick's vows for our marriage
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Maywood, NJ
September 1, 1973

Therese, I love you, and am here
Today before God and man, to willing
give myself to you in marriage forever.
The joining of two people into one has
always been a wonderful mystery to me,
but now to actually become a part of
that mystery is a joy which only my heart
can express. Whatever may happen, good
or bad, I shall always be your husband, and
shall always seek only the ways in which I
can give more to making our marriage the
strongest and most wonderful union
possible. As I am united with God,
so shall I be united with you."


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