Nancy G. Brundrett's Heartmusic Journal

Whatever strikes my fancy now and then....
Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Inspired by the words of my pastor in a sermon, I have felt led to write a song about a "Notable Miracle". A miracle of God that
unfolds and is seen by non-believers. I want my life to reflect the notable miracle God is molding in me to shine through me and
my songs. Like in the Bible, the crippled man who was healed by Jesus. He sat by the pools all his life as a beggar with the whole world observing him in his broken state. One day Jesus walked by and healed him. The non-believers marvelled saying
"This is a notable miracle of God". Oh I long to be a notable miracle shining bright for those around me to see and marvel at God's
love and favor that is here for all to receive . Love is the beginning of every miracle. God is totally motivated by love. I know my God loves me and most of all He "favors" me.

I will write about the importance of "favor" later in my journal...(thanks David D.) :-)

"When you love you should not say, God is in my heart, but rather I am in the heart of God".....quote from the book the "Prophet"


Here you come to me walking on the water
And you fill me up with your love
If it wasn't for your light
I'd be swallowed by my night
And all my soul can say is
All is well
I'm your miracle notable
Filled with unspeakable joy

It's my desire for you to take me higher
Up above the trees, flying in the sky
Piercing through the clouds
Touching every sunrise
And all my soul can say is
All is well
I'm your miracle notable
Filled with unspeakable joy

You ascended into the heavens
Promising the victory over death and the grave
Even though I wasn't there and didn't see
You came and filled my heart with the fullness of your grace
And all my soul can say is
All is well
I'm your miracle notable
Filled with unspeakable joy

Unspeakable joy
Unspeakable joy
Your favor raining down on my soul
I'm your miracle notable


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