Nancy G. Brundrett's Heartmusic Journal

Whatever strikes my fancy now and then....
Monday, May 12, 2003

I am sunburned but happy. I played at an outdoor music festival yesterday. I baked in the 96 degrees sun from 10am til 11pm. The day started out cloudy, then the sun's power chased all the clouds away. There were many musical artists from everywhere singing and playing, drums, tamborines, violins, mandolins, keyboards, harmonicas, chimes, bells..and conga drums too. I closed my eyes and thought of how God created everything. He created my ears to hear and my voice to sing. He has some take up intruments and play and play well.....Why....why?

Am I being a vessel of love & praise through my music?


Praise the Lord.
Praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power;
praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sounding trumpet,
praise him with the harp and the lyre,
praise him with tamborines
and in dancing,
praise him with the strings
and flute,
praise him with the clash of
praise him with the resounding
Let everything that has breath
praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord

When I am performing or just sitting in my music room playing my heart music, I always remember "why" I have a voice to sing and
pretty good hands on the guitar. These things are instruments of praise and deliverers of love's sweet sounds of the heart.
My voice is a sound of praise too. If you notice my songs are "heartmusic" songs or "soulmusic" songs. My songs are written in the spirit of love. My sound is delivered in the spirit of heart and the soul. I hope you feel what I feel when I sing and play guitar to my songs. I can feel God's spirit pouring into me and out of me with each note.


Nancy G


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